Trondheim Chamber Music Festival 22-29 SEPTEMBER 2024

ABOUT CONTACT Partners Competition Programme

Come Shine

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Come Shine met as music students, and started out in 1998 with this challenge: “There must be some way for us to play these timeless standard tunes, being ourselves, with our musical history, inspired by the old heritage, but without becoming mere copyists.” And they somehow figured it out. After their 1999 debut, Come Shine quickly became popular among a wide range of Norwegian music lovers for their unconventional versions of standard jazz tunes. The quartet released three best-selling jazz records in 2001, 2002 and 2003, and after 2004 the quartet took a long break. A brief reunion in 2010 to celebrate their university’s 100th anniversary made Norway’s leading jazz journalist Terje Mosnes demand a new beginning for the quartet. After four days in studio in 2013, the band’s first album in 11 years, ”Red and Gold” was released in 2014. The very nexr year the symphonic album “Norwegian Caravan” was recorded, together with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra. In 2016–17 Come Shine tour mainly as a quartet, but also in collaboration with ensembles, and in 2018 they are celebrating their 20 years’ anniversary during Trondheim Chamber Music Festival!

Live Maria Roggen, vocals
Erlend Skomsvoll, piano
Sondre Meisfjord, bass
Håkon Mjaaset Johansen, drums