Trondheim Chamber Music Festival 22-29 SEPTEMBER 2024

ABOUT CONTACT Partners Competition Programme

Trond-Viggo Torgersen

Trond-Viggo Torgersen (born 14 June 1952 in Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian physician, broadcaster, television host, comedian, singer, songwriter, artist and former Children's commissioner for Norway. 

He started in NRK making programs for children and youth, has published several children's albums and written several plays for children and adults. His books Kroppen (The Body), Flode alene (Flode Alone) and Tenke sjæl (approx. To Think for Yourself) has been translated into several languages.

In recent years, he is perhaps best known as a comedian and artist on radio and television, and from concert stages across the country. In Norway he is especially known for his television characters «Vaktmester'n», and «Fem på gaten», and had several programs from Samfundet (The Student Society) in Trondheim.

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