Trondheim Chamber Music Festival 22-29 SEPTEMBER 2024

ABOUT CONTACT Partners Competition Programme


Petri Prauda, mandolin, bagpipes and sister
Alina Järvelä, violin
Esko Järvelä, violin
Tommi Asplund, violin
Tero Hyväluoma, violin
Juho Kivivuori, double bass
Topi Korhonen, guitar


The former Norwegian-Finnish group is now 100% Finnish, but still has a vein in Norwegian folk music. Their music is referred to as nordgrass, to describe the bluegrass elements they draw into their sound. Frigg rightly gets a lot of credit for their tight interplay between fiddle, guitar, double bass, mandolin and bagpipes. The Finnish seriousness is absent - this group has humor and joy of playing in abundance. And besides, musical perfection that will blow you away. Few if any Nordic folk music bands can show similar international success as Frigg, who are simply in a class of their own on stage!

Photo: Antti Kokkola